Monday, August 11, 2008


The internet is a good place to go for information especially information about someone. Having a social network site such as myspace and facebook is all good when someone wants to have fun or show their personality to people, but it can also hurt peopel in many ways. In three articles I read told the same story about how teens show their antics after hours online so people can see. Antics like drinking at parties and accidents that caused serious injuries and death. What they did not realize is what people say or leave online is permanent. Taking pictures of yourself drinking is not a good idea, but that didn't stop Joshua Lipton who was charged in a drucken driving crash that seriouly injured a woman. This 20 year old college student attended a party dressed as a prisoner living it up. What he did not know is someone at the party took pictures and posted it on facebook. The prosecutor in his case presented the photos of Mr. Lipton not taking the crash seriously as evidence and the judge sentenced him to 2 years in prison. I believe that if the woman had not survivd he would have been sentenced for a more longer jail time.

Another networking crime is recording fights and uploading them online to sites such as youtube and myspace so that everybody can see. people think that it is all fun showing these incidents online, but it is to be taken very seriously. Sites such as is devoted to showing people in pain. Incidents like school fights, girl fights, gang fights, and fights that seriously injure people. These fights are actually seen by police and they have made arrests based on this. As seen on the news 8 teens violently beat up a girl up and posted it on myspace and youtube. The teens have been charged and prosecuted by the victims parents when the footage was shown on the news everywhere. The victim was Victoria Lindsay who was taken to the hospital to be treated for a concussion, left ear, left eye, and several brusies. The parents of the 8 teens say the teens was motivated to have a popular video or in this case a shock video on youtube and that Lindsay had been harassing and threatening the teens on myspace. I say the 8 teens was not motivated by youtube to beat up this girl or by the threats from the victim. It was their choice and they got what they deserved in my opinion.

I think that people should be careful in what they publish on the internet in a blog, myspace, facebook, or any other place because it can be viewed by anyone anywhere easily. People everyday steal photos of people on myspace or facebook and put it up as there own and also hack account to get information from them. I have seen it happan to people around me and it has happaned to myself. I had to change passwords a lot and delete my account. I believe people should not be open to people they don't know and do know they should be private instead.

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