Thursday, July 3, 2008

Habits of Mind

The habits of mind means skills that are linked to your behavior. It's a skill that is the embodiment of your life. The way a person listens and talks can tell me a lot about them. The way they act around a group of people shows habits that they developed growing up over the years. Choosing a way to talk instead of fighting and thinking before I act are habits of mind. Knowing how to act on situation that come before me with the knowledge that I have gained. The experience in which my behavior was used in those situations stay with me to the future. My habits change over time and can better my life interactions with future events.

Managing impulsivity describes one of my habits. This habit are usually seen in problem solvers, people who think before they act . They are information gathers who hardly fail in some situations. I use this habit alot in school when answering a problem or asking questions that might sound silly or incorrect. I listen and form a plan instead of blurting out the answer. Guessing is okay to me but I like being right. I am managing impulsivity. Before I leave the home I expect to get to places on time. Some days unexpected things might happen and I can get me mad but I get threw it.

My music